Category Archives: Group

Friends of the Family

Train to be a volunteer befriender this spring

“We need volunteers!” That’s the message from local charity,

who have just launched their latest campaign to recruit volunteer befrienders for the 5s to 13s Project.

The Project supports vulnerable children and families living across the Winchester district through the provision of a trained volunteer befriender who visits a family for a two hour period each week. Befrienders spend quality time with a focus child and undertake activities both inside the home and outdoors.

Friends of the Family will be running its next free training course over two days in April and local men and women, aged 23+, are encouraged to get in touch to find out more about this rewarding voluntary role.

5s to 13s Project Leader Sam Hunt said: “If you’d like to train to become a volunteer befriender and join likeminded people on our next training course then please get in touch. Just two hours a week of your time can make an incredible difference to a child and their family.”

To apply, or find out more, please email or call Lisa Travers, Volunteer Co-ordinator, on 01962 864466.