Women’s Institute

First Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Millennium Memorial Hall

Our longstanding friendly group now has almost 60 members and we meet on the first Tuesday of each month in the Hall. For further details of our monthly speakers please look at   www.hampshirewi.org.uk

  • Members participate regularly in activities organized by the County and the Winchester Group.
  • We also organise outings to places of interest and visits to the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton to see Operas and Ballets.
  • Our Craft, Scrabble and Mah-Jong groups meet regularly in  members’ homes and the Drama group entertains us during the year.
  • There is also a small walking group which usually plans to finish with a pub lunch!

We always welcome new members so just come along to one of our meetings and introduce yourself.

For any other information please contact Fern Baxter on 01962 883150

A guide to the community of Littleton & Harestock