Littleton Voluntary Community Care
The Care Group in Littleton will respond to calls for emergency assistance or help with small household problems. If greater or long term expertise is required, we can often direct you to an engineer, organisation or agency where the necessary support is available. Some of the tasks that we undertake are:
- driving people to appointments
- collecting prescriptions
- sitting with someone while a carer goes out
- changing Library books
- collecting pensions
- mending a fuse
- sorting out a flat battery on a car
We also operate a monthly Luncheon Club in the Church Room on the first Friday of every month at 12.30 p.m. Transport is provided as required and any adult is welcome to come along and enjoy a good meal in congenial company for just a modest fee to cover expenses.
Do YOU or YOUR neighbour need help? If so just contact one of the people below, between 8.00 am. and 8.00 p.m., and ask for a “Littleton Volunteer”.
We also need extra volunteers to help, e.g. cooking lunches, transporting or carrying out one of the above tasks. If you have time to spare, please telephone one of the people listed below and let us know where your strengths lie!
Shirley & Mike Lupton 01962 884376 or email