Community Innovations Team

Community Innovations Team

Are you are an Older Person 55+ Living in the

Winchester District?

Would you like to get out and about more? Have the opportunity to attend social activities? Make new friends? Need information? Confidence building? Do you have concerns regarding your health and well being? Are you finding everyday activities increasingly difficult?

If so, you may be interested to know about the Community Innovations Team.

The team includes an Occcupational Therapist, Social Worker and Support Worker.

CIT will help you review your situation , suggest ways to make life easier for you and then help you to follow up on those suggestions.

CIT will assist you by linking you up to voluntary groups and activities, providing you with information and keeping in touch for a few weeks to make sure that things are going well.

For more information please call 01962 832047.

We aim to help older people who are at risk of losing their independence, but who currently do not meet the criteria for support from Hampshire County Councils Adult Services Department

A guide to the community of Littleton & Harestock