Age UK Winchester

Age UK Winchester

Age UK Winchester is an independent local charity that already supports 500 older people in and around the city.   We offer three principal services.

Help at Home:  For people over 60, who live in their own homes but are unable to do essential chores.   The service can include cleaning & vacuuming, washing & ironing, shopping and gardening.  We try to match helpers with clients, so they get on well and develop a good working relationship.  There is a charge but at a lower rate than commercial operators.   To find out more, call Carol on 01962 871726.

Lunch Clubs:  The popular lunch clubs take place five days a week at St Barnabas Church, Weeke (Monday), Baptist Hall, Swan Lane (Tuesday & Thursday), Salvation Army Hall, Parchment Street (Wednesday) and Winnall Community Centre (2nd & 4th Friday of the month).  The clubs start with coffee/tea and biscuits, and can be followed by time for a chat, talks, foot clinics, chair based exercises, fun using computers, health advice from NHS Hampshire and film shows.  Transport is available for those who need it.   Call Cynthia on 01962 871725.

Information & Advice:  This free service offers confidential advice on things like pensions, welfare benefits, housing & property, gas & electricity bills, aids & adaptions, residential care, health, leisure & social activities, local services and personal issues.  You can call us for advice or make an appointment to come in and see us.  Ring us on 01962 871712.

These services depend entirely on our volunteers.  They help at the lunch clubs, support the office team, drive our mini-bus, or assist at fundraising events and could join our new befriending service.  If you would like to help, we would love to hear from you.  Just an hour or two a week would make a huge contribution.  Why not call us for a chat?

If you, or anyone you know, needs support or advice, please get in touch.  Our office is in the Colebrook Centre, just behind the Guildhall.  Our number is 01962 871725, our email is and you can look at our website at

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