Henry Beaufort School

Henry Beaufort SchoolThe Henry Beaufort School
East Woodhay Road,
Hants SO22 6JJ


Tel:  01962 880073
Fax: 01962 883667
Email: admin@beaufort.hants.sch.uk



We are proud to be an inclusive comprehensive school. We understand that young people today have many pressures placed upon them from an early age. Our role is to create a happy, stimulating learning environment that gives every child the confidence and resilience to face these pressures head on.

We have high expectations of all of our students. At The Henry Beaufort School there are no limitations to individual success.

We acknowledge the fundamental role that we play in the academic and moral education of young people.

We celebrate the success of our students at every opportunity and take delight in the buzz and energy around the school site well beyond the official ending of the school day.

We do not accept mediocrity or complacency. We understand the challenges that accompany our role as educationalists and we continue to work to find ways to refine and improve our practise. This is underpinned by our aim to be outstanding in everything that we do.

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