Office: 01962 880845
Church Warden:
Simon Kingston 01962 880903
Sunday Services:
First Sunday 4.00 pm Café Church in the Church Room (an informal service with tea and cakes)
Second Sunday 10.00 am Family Communion (shorter format)
Third Sunday 6.00 pm Service of Peace and Wholeness
Fourth Sunday 10.00 am Morning Worship
Fifth Sunday 10.00 am Combined Benefice Family Communion –see Parish Paper or notice in porch for venue
Weekday Services:
- Wednesday: 10.00 am Holy Communion, fourth Wednesdays of month.
- Thursday: 4.15 pm Prayer for those on the Benefice Prayer List
Church Toddler Group:
The group meets every Monday (term-time) 10 am – 11:30 am in the Church Room, Church Lane, Littleton.
Open to all babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers with their carers.
Join us for toys, crafts, snacks and singing for the little folk; tea, coffee and chat for the big folk!
For more details contact Carol Coleman (01962) 881886, or visit our Facebook page:
Monthly Lunch Club:
A monthly lunch for our older residents – 1st Friday of each month, 12:30 pm in the Church Room, Church Lane, Littleton. Contact Deirdre Wratten 01962 880462,